Le jeudi 31 octobre 2019 à 11h, Tawhid Hossain (Tour du Valat & Institute of Geography and Geology, Julius Maximilian University of Würzburg, Allemagne) présentera en salle Jean-Paul Taris un séminaire en anglais intitulé « Identifying changes of Mediterranean wetlands over four decades applying Landsat and Sentinel-2 » ; l’accès est libre et sans inscription.

Mediterranean wetlands have been facing pressure from extensive urbanisation , agriculture and human activities over the last 100 years.
The Mediterranean Wetlands Observatory and the Tour du Valat have been working on mapping and monitoring the changes of Mediterranean wetlands over the last 4 decades using earth observation and satellite data.
In continuation of The GlobWetland II, the current analysis is aimed to update the maps of wetlands in 27 Mediterranean countries. As part of the Internship, we have done mapping and analysis of 112 wetland sites in 8 different countries of South-western Europe, North Africa and Balkans. Interesting results are found with significant changes over time.
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