This article in French was published in the CEN PACA Nature de Provence journal in June 2019.
The fragmented distribution of Western spadefoot (Pelobates cultripes) populations has led to its classification as an «Endangered» species on the IUCN regional red list of reptiles and amphibians for the PACA Region. Consequently, a synthesis was made of the state of conservation of the species on a local scale for the observations made in the Golfe de Fos. Targeted surveys were carried out by the authors since the end of the 1990s and data was collected in various naturalistic databases. Similar to the regional observations, the local distribution is particularly fragmented due the industrial development of port activities causing an isolation of breeding sites. This is aggravated by the fact that among the six known breeding sites in the Golfe de Fos, four are located in industrial areas and are not covered by any protection status. Given these alarming threats, the implementation of a conservation plan seems to be urgent.
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Bibliographical reference: Rivière V., Olivier A., Durand É., 2019. Current distribution, habitats characterization and
threats of Pelobates cultripes (Cuvier, 1829) in the Gulf of Fos (Bouches-du-Rhône). Nature de Provence June 2019