The 2018 open day at the Tour du Valat on Sunday, February 4 was a very successful event, with very fine weather.
Nearly 600 people came to the site to take advantage of the various activities proposed. In the morning, there were talks on climate change in the Camargue and the European Eel, while in the afternoon, there was an artistic performance Duo Logo with a choreographer and a Tour du Valat researcher, walking trails on the Estate and tours to discover marshes and birds from the Rendez-Vous and Saint-Seren hides, as well as pony rides for the younger children.

This year’s event enabled the Tour du Valat to open its doors once again to members of the public, and to raise awareness among all generations about the need to preserve wetlands in the Camargue and elsewhere in the framework of the 2018 World Wetlands Day.