Jérôme Bignon, President of the Ramsar Association France, was awarded the Ramsar Merit Award for Wetland Conservation on Monday, November 7, 2022, during the 14th Conference of the Contracting Parties of the Convention.
Jérôme Bignon is recognized for his dedicated and long-term contribution in various roles towards the conservation of wetlands in France by championing laws that improve the conservation of wetlands.
He has dedicated his life to the preservation of natural areas, particularly marine, coastal and wetland environments, during the various positions he has held: elected official of his region (the Somme and Picardy), as a long-time member of the National Assembly and then of the Senate. Now retired, he continues his commitment by continuing to raise awareness of the importance of wetlands among elected officials, as well as citizens, as the chair of the Ramsar France Association, of which the Tour du Valat is a founding member.

In his speech following the presentation of the Merit Award, Jérôme Bignon recalled his visceral attachment to wetlands, having grown up in the Somme, a country of wetlands. This commitment to the sea, the coastline and wetlands has been the common thread of his political career and his involvement in civil society. He honored Luc Hoffmann and his visionary and decisive action, quoting him: “The action carried out for 60 years is an encouragement to strengthen collective action, to encourage the commitment of more and more men and women so that wetlands remain this vital link, this essential link for biodiversity and human well-being.”
In 2015, the Ramsar Merit Award for Wetland Conservation, on the occasion of the COP12 of the Convention in Punta del Este (Uruguay) had been awarded to the Tour du Valat (read more).

The Ramsar Wetlands Conservation Awards recognize the contributions of individuals, organizations, and governments around the world to promote conservation and wise use of wetlands. Merit Award recognizing long-term contribution or commitment to the conservation and wise use of wetlands and to Ramsar principles.