A successful start for the PROZHUM collaborative project, which supports CSOs capacity-building in wetland management, protection and restoration.

During the week of October 22 at the Tour du Valat, 14 civil society organizations (CSOs) from 10 countries of the southern and eastern Mediterranean basin kicked off the PROZHUM project.
After sharing experiences and building skills in implementing wetland projects, these organizations are now ready to launch the first series of PROZHUM projects.
The first series of projects will support 14 local wetland management and protection projects, as well as one large-scale restoration project in the Gediz Delta. In the second series of projects, these organizations will act as mentors for other CSOs in each of their countries and share skills and lessons learned in project management and wetland conservation.
Funded by AFD, the PROZHUM (Protection et Restauration des Zones Humides en Méditerranée) project aims to strengthen the capacities and impact of CSOs in the southern and eastern Mediterranean through a program of large-, small- and micro-scale wetland protection and restoration projects. It brings together 14 organizations from 10 countries, all members of the Mediterranean Wetlands Alliance (MAW) and/or the Mediterranean Waterbird Network (MWN).