Population dynamics of the Glossy Ibis
The aim of this project is to identify the mechanisms that affect the population dynamics of the Glossy Ibis throughout the Mediterranean Basin. We focus on the demographic parameters of the Camargue population and the causes of dispersal in the framework of global changes.
Actions and methodology
This project is based on the monitoring of individually tagged young Glossy Ibis in the Scamandre lagoon colony, in the western Camargue. From 2006 to 2017, more than 3500 juveniles were ringed (29 to 607 each year).
In addition, an international network of Glossy Ibis researchers who was set up in 2017 by the Estación Biológica de Doñana, the Tour du Valat, and a group of international experts on storks, ibises, and spoonbills from the International Union for the Conservation of Nature – IUCN) (more info).

- Project leader: Jocelyn Champagnon
- Staff involved: Yves Kayser
- Date of project: Since 2006
Technical partners
- Syndicat mixte de Camargue Gardoise
- Estación Biológica de Doñana
- CNRS – Centre d’écologie fonctionnelle et évolutive (CEFE)
- Kayser Y., Blanchon T., Gauthier-Clerc M. 2009. L’ibis falcinelle Plegadis falcinellus nicheur régulier en Camargue. Ornithos 16:404–406.
- Kayser Y., Gauthier-Clerc M., Paz L., Ballesteros M., Baudouin S., Petit J. 2006. Nouveaux cas de nidification de l’ibis falcinelle en Camargue gardoise en 2006. Ornithos 13:322–325.