A joint team from the Tour du Valat and the Conservatoire du littoral were in Montenegro to discuss the main conservation issues facing the “Tivatska Solila” special nature reserve, one of the pilot sites for the RESCOM project, and to identify the priority ecological restoration actions, in consultation with the Public Enterprise for Coastal Zone Management, the site’s managing partner, and local associations, scientists and authorities (CZIP, Montenegrine Institute for Marine Biology, Municipality of Tivat).

The “Tivatska Solila” special nature reserve is one of the last coastal wetlands in Montenegro and is a resting and feeding area on the migratory route of birds.
A RAMSAR site and Important Bird Area, the reserve is one of six pilot sites in the 4-year RESCOM project supported by the FFEM and the MAVA Foundation and run by the Mediterranean Biodiversity Consortium, which aims to implement nature-based solutions in the Mediterranean.