The collaboration between the Algerian Directorate General of Forestry (DGF) and the Tour du Valat is already a long-standing one.
In particular, it has provided support for the drawing up of the Reghaïa Lake management plan, the integrated management of the El Kala National Park, the development of land cover maps of Algerian wetlands from satellite images, the development and application of an indicator of the recreational and educational services provided by wetlands, and the development of the “Mediterranean Waterbirds” network in Algeria (find out more).
In order to strengthen and better organise this collaboration, the Tour du Valat and the DGF signed a cooperation framework agreement during a recent assignment in Algeria, which amongst other things identified subjects of common interest and possible funding opportunities.

The new actions under consideration include support for the creation of an Algerian wetlands observatory, setting up a bird ringing centre at the Reghaïa Hunting Centre, developing action plans for protected species, and updating the Reghaïa Lake management plan.