Since the end of the 2000s, the Common Crane (Grus grus), whose range extends from western Europe to eastern Russia, has expanded its range significantly in the Camargue where it had been very rare before, or even almost absent.
Counted every year in winter since 2004 by a network of birdwatchers coordinated by the Tour du Valat at a dozen sites in the Grande Camargue, the Camargue Gardoise and Plant du Bourg, the number of wintering Cranes has increased very rapidly.

While only about 200 birds were counted at the beginning of 2004, this year there are more than 20,000 birds!

Whereas during the first years the wintering was observed above all in the Camargue gardoise, the Common Cranes are now present in all the Camargue (gardoise, island of Camargue and Plan du bourg).
As a proof, the most important roost this winter which is located on the national reserve of the Marshes of Vigueirat (more than 7400 individuals), an unprecedented situation.