To reinforce the protection of the Lake Ohrid Ecosystem, the Society of Wetland Scientists (SWS) held its European Conference 2018 (#SWSEuro2018) from April 30 to May 4 in Ohrid.
Around fifty experts in wetland ecosystems from all over the world were participating in the conference in order to exchange up-to-date information on the state of wetland ecosystems and to offer solutions to the challenges that modern land management and urbanization impose on these, unfortunately neglected, but still essential parts of our environment.
During the Conference, more than 30 papers were presented on the role of wetland ecosystems, their values and the services they offer. Patrick Grillas, from Tour du Valat, presented “The contribution of seed bank mapping to conservation programs: The case of Lythrum thesioides” (Antoine Gazaix,Patrick Grillas, Perrine Gauthier & John Thompson).

Lake Ohrid is one of the oldest and deepest in Europe, shared by Albania and the FYR of Macedonia. It preserves a rich capital of natural and cultural heritage, including a unique aquatic ecosystem that is of worldwide importance, with more than 200 endemic species, as well as rich historical and archaeological elements, impressive traditional practices and unique intangible heritage.
The Conference issued the official Declaration on the Protection of the Lake Ohrid Ecosystem. It outlines how to plan to tackle the key threats to these ecosystems and urges decision makers to take efficient steps to safeguard and ensure the wise use of their important habitats.

Source : Medwet