Thème : Dynamiques des zones humides et gestion de l’eau | Gestion et restauration des écosystèmes naturels & agricoles
Contact : e-mail | +33 (0)4 90 97 63 77
Date d’arrivée : janvier 2011
Intérêts de recherche et expertises
Naturaliste polyvalent, spécialisé en entomologie (Coléoptères et Diptères), ichtyologie, herpétologie, et invertébrés aquatiques.
DESS (Master Pro) en Écosystèmes Méditerranéens Littoraux.
- Gestion adaptative des étangs et marais des salins de Camargue
- Impact de la démoustication en Camargue
- Communautés piscicoles de Camargue
- Campagne de surveillance DCE (Directive Cadre sur l’Eau) des lagunes oligo-mésohalines (salinité moyenne <18)
- FEDER « Contrôle de la jussie (Ludwigia spp.) sur le Canal du Vigueirat », 2013-2015.
- Etudes de l’écrevisse de Louisiane (Procambarus clarckii) en Camargue, 2011.
Retrouvez ci-dessous les dernières publications de Samuel Hilaire, ou la liste intégrale sur le portail documentaire de la Tour du Valat :
- Long-term persistence and recycling of Bacillus thuringiensis israelensis spores in wetlands sprayed for mosquito controlde Brigitte Poulin, Gaëtan Lefebvre, Samuel Hilaire, Laurence Després In Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety, 243 (September, 2022), 10 En ligne : linkinghub.elsevier.com[...] Bacillus thuringiensis subsp. israelensis (Bti) is the main larvicide used to control mosquitoes worldwide. Although there is accumulating evidence of Bti having environmental effects on non-target ... read more
- Different components of landscape complexity are necessary to preserve multiple taxonomic groups in intensively-managed rice paddy landscapes (2022)de Pierre Mallet, Arnaud Béchet, Thomas Galewski, François Mesléard, Samuel Hilaire, Gaëtan Lefebvre, Brigitte Poulin, Clelia Sirami 2022, 8 En ligne : www.sciencedirect.com[...] Increase in pesticide use and landscape homogenization are two key drivers of the decline in farmland biodiversity. The effects of these two drivers are often complex, interactive and vary ... read more
- Increasing crop heterogeneity enhances multitrophic diversity across agricultural regionsde Clelia Sirami, Nicolas Gross, Aliette Bosem Baillod, Colette Bertrand, Romain Carrié, Annika Hass, Laura Henckel, Paul Miguet, Carole Vuillot, Audrey Alignier, et al. In Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 116(33) (2019-08-13), 16442-16447 En ligne : www.pnas.org[...] Agricultural landscape homogenization has detrimental effects on biodiversity and ... read more
- Mosquito Traps: An Innovative, Environmentally Friendly Technique to Control Mosquitoesde Brigitte Poulin, Gaëtan Lefebvre, Camille Muranyi-Kovacs, Samuel Hilaire In International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 14(3) (2017-03-18), 313 En ligne : www.mdpi.com[...] We tested the use of mosquito traps as an alternative to spraying insecticide in Camargue (France) following the significant impacts observed on the ... read more
- Temporary pond ecosystem functioning shifts mediated by the exotic red swamp crayfish (Procambarus clarkii): a mesocosm studyde Héctor Rodríguez-pérez, Samuel Hilaire, François Mesléard In Hydrobiologia, 767(1) (March 2016), 333-345 En ligne : link.springer.com[...] Temporary ponds, acknowledged for their conservation value, are colonized by the invasive crayfish Procambarus clarkii. We have tested the consequences of this colonization for the ecosystem under two contrasted scenarios: one ... read more
- Distribution and reproduction of Procarambus clarkii in relation to water management, salinity and habitat type in the Camargue (2013)de E. Meineri, H. Rodriguez-perez, Samuel Hilaire, François Mesléard 2013 ... read more