Thème : Conservation des Espèces
Projet : Unité de Soutien Technique à l’initiative africaine de l’AEWA – Page Facebook
Contact : e-mail | Tél. +33 (0)4 90 97 06 71
Date d’arrivée : janvier 2013
Intérêts de recherche et expertises
- Géomatique
- Gestion de données
- Outils nomades
MS Biologie puis Cartographie des espaces à fortes contraintes
Retrouvez ci-dessous les dernières publications de Clémence Deschamps, ou la liste intégrale sur le portail documentaire de la Tour du Valat :
- Migration of humans fleeing conflict in the Lake Chad region may increase pressures on natural resources in Lake Fitri (Chad): A case study on waterbirdsde Nicolas Carenton, Pierre Defos du Rau, Abakar Saleh Wachoum, Delphine Ducros, Marie Suet, Clemence Deschamps, Maxime Rotoudjimbaye Betoloum, Julien Birard, M' Baïti Narcisse Djimasngar, Yves Kayser, et al. In Journal of Applied Ecology, (Online version) (July, 2024) En ligne : onlinelibrary.wiley.com[...] Sustainable harvest of wildlife is a ... read more
- Planning from scratch: A new modelling approach for designing protected areas in remote, data‐poor regionsde Delphine Ducros, Rodolphe Devillers, Antoine Messager, Marie Suet, Abakar Saleh Wachoum, Clemence Deschamps, Babakar Matar Breme, Ib Krag Petersen, Yves Kayser, Nicolas Vincent‐Martin, et al. In Journal of Applied Ecology, Online (August, 2023), 13 En ligne : besjournals.onlinelibrary.wiley.com[...] Human pressure on ecosystems has strongly increased over the ... read more
- Improving waterbird monitoring and conservation in the Sahel using remote sensing: a case study with the International Waterbird Census in Sudande Marie Suet, Juan Guillermo Lozano‐Arango, Pierre Defos du Rau, Clemence Deschamps, Mohammed Adam Abdalgader Mohammed, Elfirdous Elbashary Adam, Eltayeb Mohammed Eldegair, Mohamed Elmekki Ali Elbadawi, Ibrahim Mohammed Hashim, Noman Kirrem Kpoore, et al. In Ibis, 163(2) (January, 2021), 16 En ligne : onlinelibrary.wiley.com[...] In several regions of ... read more
- The first coordinated trans-North African mid-winter waterbird census: The contribution of the International Waterbird Census to the conservation of waterbirds and wetlands at a biogeographical levelde M. S. Sayoud, H. Salhi, B. Chalabi, A. Allali, M. Dakki, A. Qninba, M. A. El Agbani, Hichem Azafzaf, Claudia Feltrup‐Azafzaf, H. Dlensi, et al. In Biological Conservation, 206 (février 2017), 11-20 En ligne : www.sciencedirect.com[...] The International Waterbird Census (IWC) is one of the most widespread ... read more
- Expected and unexpected effects of waterbirds on Mediterranean aquatic plants (2012)de G. Gayet, N. Croce, Patrick Grillas, C. Nourry, Clemence Deschamps, P. Defos Du Rau 2012 ... read more