The growing population on the southern shores of the Mediterranean, the intensification agricultural production, industrial development, the expansion in transport infrastructures, and most importantly the growth in tourism have led to an increase in population densities and commercial activities throughout the coastal Mediterranean.
PEGASO is a project that seeks to provide solutions to these pressures via the Integrated Coastal Zone Management (ICZM) protocol for the Mediterranean, signed in January 2008 under the auspices of the Barcelona Convention. The main objective of PEGASO is to build on existing capacities and develop common novel approaches to support integrated policies for the coastal, marine and maritime realms of the Mediterranean and Black Sea Basins.
PEGASO will use the model of the existing ICZM Protocol for the Mediterranean and adjust it to the needs of the Black Sea through three innovative actions:
- Constructing an ICZM governance platform as a bridge between scientist and end?user communities.
- Refine and further develop efficient and easy to use tools for making sustainability assessments in the coastal zone (indicators, accounting methods, models and scenarios). They will be tested and validated in a multi?scale approach through a number of relevant pilot sites.
- Implementation of a Spatial Data Infrastructure (SDI) to standardize spatial data to support information sharing on an interactive visor, to make it available to the ICZM Platform, and to disseminate all results of the project to the end users and interested parties.
The project is funded as part of FP7 and includes 24 partners from countries bordering the Mediterranean and Black seas.
Project coordination:
Universidad Autónoma de Barcelona – Contact: Françoise Breton