Thèmes : Dynamiques des zones humides et gestion de l’eau | Interfaces Sciences-Société
Coordinateur de l’Observatoire des zones humides méditerranéennes (OZHM)
Contact : e-mail | +33 (0)4 90 97 06 32
Date d’arrivée : octobre 2011
Intérêts de recherche et expertise
Projets actuels et passés menés à la Tour du Valat
- SWOS (Satellite-based Wetlands Observation Service)
- Suivi des ressources en eau dans les zones humides méditerranéennes
- Les services écosystémiques des zones humides méditerranéennes
Retrouvez ci-dessous les dernières publications d’Anis Guelmami, ou la liste intégrale sur le portail documentaire de la Tour du Valat :
- Large-scale loss of Mediterranean coastal marshes under rising sea levels by 2100de Mark Schuerch, Joshua Kiesel, Olivier Boutron, Anis Guelmami, Claudia Wolff, Wolfgang Cramer, Nuno Caiola, Carles Ibáñez, Athanasios T. Vafeidis In Communications Earth & Environment, 6(1) (February, 2025), 1-13 En ligne : www.nature.com[...] Mediterranean coastal wetlands account for important biodiversity and ecosystem services. But climate-change induced sea-level rise ... read more
- Using DPSIR framework for the implementation of wetlands observatory: case study Sebkhates of Aures wetlands complex (Northerneast, Algeria)de Imene Benzina, Abdelkrim Si Bachir, Abdelkrim Arar, Anis Guelmami, Christian Perennou In Present environment and sustainable development, 18(1) (2024) En ligne : www.pesd.ro[...] Wetlands are present within intricate ecological settings, exhibiting dynamic changes over time and across different areas with regard to their functional and structural diversity. ... read more
- Large-scale mapping of existing and lost wetlands: Earth Observation data and tools to support restoration in the Sebou and Medjerda river basinsde Anis Guelmami In Euro-Mediterranean Journal for Environmental Integration, December (December, 2023) En ligne : link.springer.com[...] Les zones humides méditerranéennes sont les écosystèmes les plus riches et les plus productifs de la région et sont essentielles pour l'adaptation au changement climatique et l'atténuation de ses effets. Cependant, malgré ... read more
- National wetland mapping using remote-sensing-derived environmental variables, archive field data, and artificial intelligencede Sébastien Rapinel, Léa Panhelleux, Guillaume Gayet, Rachel Vanacker, Blandine Lemercier, Bertrand Laroche, François Chambaud, Anis Guelmami, Laurence Hubert-Moy In Heliyon, 9(2) (February, 2023), 17 En ligne : www.cell.com[...] While wetland ecosystem services are widely recognized, the lack of fine-scale national inventories prevents successful implementation of conservation policies. ... read more
- The Mediterranean Island Wetlands (MedIsWet) inventory: strengths and shortfalls of the currently available floristic datade Mauro Fois, Alba Cuena Lombraña, N Araç, M Artufel, E Atak, V Attard, Gianluigi Bacchetta, Salvatore Cambria, K Charfi, D Dizdaroğlu, et al. In Flora Mediterranea, 32 (12/2022), 339-349 En ligne : www.herbmedit.org[...] MedIsWet (Conservation of the island wetlands of the Mediterranean Basin) is a MAVA funded ... read more
- Securing the Environmental Water Requirements of Seasonally Ponding Wetlands: Partnering Science and Management through Benefit Sharingde Stefano Barchiesi, Antonio Camacho, Eva Hernández, Anis Guelmami, Flavio Monti, Alessio Satta, Osvaldo Jordán, Christine Angelini In Wetlands, 42(5) (June, 2022), 46 En ligne : link.springer.com[...] Although environmental flow regime assessments are becoming increasingly holistic, they rarely provoke water managers to enact the adaptive water reallocation mechanisms ... read more
- Multitemporal optical and radar metrics for wetland mapping at national level in Albaniade Javier Muro, Ana Varea, Adrian Strauch, Anis Guelmami, Eleni Fitoka, Frank Thonfeld, Bernd Diekkrüger, Björn Waske In Heliyon, 6(8) (August, 2020), e04496 En ligne : linkinghub.elsevier.com[...] Wetlands are highly dynamic, with many natural and anthropogenic drivers causing seasonal, periodic or permanent changes in their structure and composition. ... read more
- Wetland extent tools for SDG 6.6.1 reporting from the Satellite-based Wetland Observation Service (SWOS)de Kathrin Weise, Rene Höfer, Jonas Franke, Anis Guelmami, Will Simonson, Javier Muro, Brian O’Connor, Adrian Strauch, Stephan Flink, Jonas Eberle, et al. In Remote Sensing of Environment, 247 (September, 2020), 111892 En ligne : www.sciencedirect.com[...] Wetlands are the most fragile and threatened ecosystems worldwide, and also one ... read more
- L’état des zones humides dans le monde et en Méditerranéede Christian Perennou, Laurent Chazee, Thomas Galewski, Ilse Geijzendorffer, Anis Guelmami In Zones Humides Infos, 97-98 (Eté 2019), 20-21 ... read more
- Anthropogenic stressors are driving a steep decline of hemipteran diversity in dune ponds in north-eastern Algeriade Nouara Benslimane, Khémissa Chakri, Dalal Haiahem, Anis Guelmami, Farrah Samraoui, Boudjema Samraoui In Journal of Insect Conservation, 23(3) (February, 2019) En ligne : doi.org[...] In arid North Africa, dune ponds qualify as hotspots of aquatic biodiversity, offering numerous sustainable ecosystem services. Despite mounting anthropogenic pressures that threaten ... read more