Theme: Wetland Dynamics and Water Management | Management and restoration of Natural and Agricultural ecosystems
Position at the Tour du Valat: Hydrology/Hydraulics Scientist
Contact info: e-mail | +33 (0)4 90 97 63 73
Joined our team: June 2010
Personal page: Research Gate profile
Research interests and expertise
My research focuses on the functioning of Mediterranean lagoon hydrosystems in terms of water, salt, and temperature dynamics. I also study the catchment basins and coastal strips linked to these lagoons. Their functioning is characterised by setting up a network for making continuous measurements, and also by developing 2D and 3D hydrodynamic models.
The models I develop make it possible to test out the influence of different methods of water management (manipulations of hydraulic infrastructure and hydraulic works) on the hydrological, thermal, and saline regimes of the study sites. They are used to define the conservation, restoration, and management actions to be implemented on the sites. The midterm objective is to be able to use them to provide indications about the consequences of climate change on this functioning.
Another aspect of my research is characterising the influence of hydrology on the dynamics of the pathogenic agents, such as the avian flu virus, present in the water, a project carried out in collaboration with the Tour du Valat’s Species Department and its research on health ecology.
Current & past projects carried out at The Tour du Valat
- 2005 – 2009 : Doctorat de l’Université Claude Bernard, Lyon 1, spécialité « Chimie de l’environnement ». Thèse préparée à Irstea Lyon et soutenue le 26 mars 2009 : « Étude de l’influence de l’hydrodynamique sur le transfert des produits phytosanitaires dans les fossés agricoles. Approches expérimentale et numérique »
- 2004 – 2005 : Master 2 Recherche « Hydrologie, Hydrochimie, Sols et Environnement », Institut National Polytechnique de Toulouse
- 2003 – 2004 : Diplôme d’ingénieur de spécialisation Hydraulique de l’École Nationale Supérieure d’Hydraulique et de Mécanique de Grenoble, Institut National Polytechnique de Grenoble. Département « Hydraulique et Environnement », option « Ressources en eaux et aménagements ».
- 2000 – 2003 : Diplôme d’ingénieur de l’École Nationale Supérieure d’Électricité et de Mécanique, Institut National Polytechnique de Lorraine. Filière Informatique/Ingénierie des systèmes automatisés
- 1998 – 2000 : Classes préparatoires scientifiques intégrées de l’Institut National Polytechnique de Lorraine
Find below the most recent publications of Olivier Boutron, or see the full list on the Tour du Valat’s documentary web portal:
- Endorheic Waterbodies Delineation From Remote Sensing as a Tool for Immersed Surface Topographyde Carole Delenne, Jean-Stephane Bailly, Antoine Rousseau, Renaud Hostache, Olivier Boutron In IEEE Geoscience and Remote Sensing Letters, Online (May, 2021), 1-5 En ligne : ieeexplore.ieee.org[...] For several decades, it becomes possible to delineate waterbodies and their dynamics from optical or radar images, that are now available at ... read more
- Hydro-Saline Dynamics of a Shallow Mediterranean Coastal Lagoon: Complementary Information from Short and Long Term Monitoringde Olivier Boutron, Caroline Paugam, Emilie Luna-Laurent, Philippe Chauvelon, Damien Sous, Vincent Rey, Samuel Meulé, Yves Chérain, Anais Cheiron, Emmanuelle Migne In Journal of Marine Science and Engineering, 9(7) (July, 2021), 701 En ligne : www.mdpi.com[...] The Vaccarès Lagoon System, located in the central part of the Rhône ... read more
- Wind tides and surface friction coefficient in semi-enclosed shallow lagoonsde Caroline Paugam, Damien Sous, Vincent Rey, Samuel Meulé, Vincent Faure, Olivier Boutron, Emilie Luna-Laurent, Emmanuelle Migne In Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science, 257 (2021) En ligne : hal.archives-ouvertes.fr[...] The present paper is specifically focused on enclosed or semi-enclosed basins where the wind is the dominant driver of ... read more
- Estimation of Bathymetry and Benthic Habitat Composition from Hyperspectral Remote Sensing Data (BIODIVERSITY) Using a Semi-Analytical Approachde Audrey Minghelli, Sayoob Vadakke-Chanat, Malik Chami, Mireille Guillaume, Emmanuelle Migne, Patrick Grillas, Olivier Boutron In Remote Sensing, 13(10) (May, 2021), 17 En ligne : www.mdpi.com[...] The relevant benefits of hyperspectral sensors for water column determination and seabed features mapping compared to multispectral data, especially in coastal areas, ... read more
- Dynamics of the seagrass Zostera noltei in a shallow Mediterranean lagoon exposed to chemical contamination and other stressorsde Diane Espel, Noël J. Diepens, Olivier Boutron, Evelyne Buffan-Dubau, Yves Chérain, Eric Coulet, Patrick Grillas, Anne Probst, Jérôme Silvestre, Arnaud Elger In Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science, 222 (June, 2019), 1-12 En ligne : linkinghub.elsevier.com[...] Seagrass decline due to a variety of stressors has been observed worldwide. ... read more
- Flux closures and source term models for shallow water models with depth-dependent integral porosityde Guinot, Vincent, Carole Delenne, Antoine Rousseau, Olivier Boutron In Advances in Water Resources, 122 (December, 2018), 390-400 En ligne : www.sciencedirect.com[...] A two-dimensional shallow water model with depth-dependent porosity is presented. The purpose is the coarse grid simulation of shallow flows over complex topographies and geometries. Two ... read more
- An Unstructured Numerical Model to Study Wind-Driven Circulation Patterns in a Managed Coastal Mediterranean Wetland: The Vaccarès Lagoon Systemde Olivier Boutron, Olivier Bertrand, Annie Fiandrino, Patrick Höhener, Alain Sandoz, Yves Chérain, Eric Coulet, Philippe Chauvelon In Water, 7(11) (October 2016), 5986-6016 En ligne : www.mdpi.com[...] The spatiotemporal structure of wind-driven circulation patterns and associated water exchanges can drive important bio-hydrodynamic interactions in shallow lagoons. The Vaccarès ... read more