Theme: Science-Society Interfaces
Contact: e-mail | +33 (0)4 90 97 29 84
Joined our team: April 2015
Research interests and expertise
The Tour du Valat has been working with the National Hunting and Wildlife Office (ONCFS) to co-manage the Mediterranean Waterbird Network (MWN) since 2012. Stemming from the need to improve the database that covers waterbirds wintering in North Africa, the network contributes to the updating of international conventions such as the AEWA, and in that capacity it works with the AEWA’s Technical Support Unit.
As the MWN Project Leader I am responsible for the general management of the network in collaboration with Wetlands International, which manages the international census programme at the global level, as well as with other international networks that focus on waterbirds (CMS/AEWA) and wetlands (Mediterranean Wetlands Observatory). I work with the entire team to synthesise the data for scientific publications and to create documents for the general public, as well as oral and written communications jointly produced by all of the members in the network. I also organise and lead the annual regional meeting that brings together our members, and help to draft the applications for the funding needed to support MWN activities. I organise and help teach the annual training session on waterbird censuses at pan-Mediterranean level.
In collaboration with other research teams, I make use of waterbird census data to study the impacts of conservation measures on waterbird populations.
Current and past projects carried out at the Tour du Valat
Mediterranean Waterbird Network (MWN) |
Find below the most recent publications of Laura Dami, or see the full list on the Tour du Valat’s documentary web portal:
- Wintering population of White-headed Duck in Tunisia and Algeriade Hichem Azafzaf, Sami Rebah, Claudia Feltrup‐Azafzaf, Nadjiba Bendjedda, Moujib Gabous, Samir Sayoud, Laura Dami In Dutch Birding, 47(1) (January, 2025), 22-26 On 14 January 2022, during the International Waterbird Census (IWC), a large concentration of more than 2220 White-headed Ducks Oxyura leucocephala was observed at Sebkhet Sejoumi ... read more
- Censo de las aves acuáticas en invierno Mediterranean Waterbirds Networkde Blas Molina, Laura Dami 26-31 En ligne : mega.nz[...] SEO/BirdLife has been working on censuses of wintering waterbirds since the early years of the organisation. It is one of the main activities in which many of the amateurs and ornithologists who developed their interest in birds and their conservation in those ... read more
- Rapport semestriel n°5 –janvier – juin 2022, projet FFEM « gestion durable des zones humides en méditerranée » (2022)de Christian Perennou, Laura Dami 2022, 48 ... read more
- Wintering waterbirds in North Africa 1990-2017 (2022)de Mohamed Dakki, Geneviève Robin, Marie Suet, Abdeljebbar Qninba, Mohammed A. El Agbani, Asmaâ Ouassou, Rhimou El Hamoumi, Hichem Azafzaf, Wed A. L. Ibrahim, Khaled Etayeb, et al. Wadden Sea Flyway Initiative p/a CWSS. 2022, 63-67 In North Africa, waterbird counts have been carried out since the 1960s but only became regular ... read more
- International Waterbird Census. A Summary of 10 of the Countries in the Mediterranean Waterbird Network (MVN) (2021)de Laura Dami, Elie Gaget Arles (FRA) : Tour du Valat, 2021, 16 En ligne : mega.nz[...] ... read more
- Les dénombrements internationaux d’oiseaux d’eau. Synthèse pour 10 des pays du Réseau Oiseaux d’Eau Méditerranée (ROEM) (2021)de Laura Dami, Elie Gaget Arles (FRA) : Tour du Valat, 2021, 16 En ligne : mega.nz[...] ... read more
- Réseaux : confiance et respect des besoinsde Laura Dami In Espaces naturels, 59 (Juil-Sept 2017), 35-35 Comment avoir une dynamique durable pour une base de données internationales ? Etre attentif aux besoins de chacun… Le rôle de l'animation est essentiel. ... read more
- Competizione per i siti di nidificazione, tra l’airone guardabuoi et la garzetta, nelle garzaie della Camargue (Francia) (2000)de Laura Dami [S.l.] : Tesi sperimentale di laurea: scienze naturali: Facolta di scienze mat fis nat. Universita degli studi di Pavia, 2000, *62p 25fig 1tabl phot coul ... read more
- Do cattle egrets exclude little egrets from settling at higher quality sites within mixed-species colonies? (2006)de Laura Dami, R.E. Bennetts, Heinz Hafner 2006 ... read more