Books, booklets and reports
You can find in this section all the booklets from the Science & Management collection published by the Tour du Valat, the Mediterranean Wetlands Observatory reports and publications, the booklet about the Petit Saint-Jean Estate agro-ecological project, as well as the Technical reports of the Mediterranean Waterbird Network.

Thematic Note #1: Biodiversity in Mediterranean wetlands
This Thematic Note, a summary of the Mediterranean Wetlands Observatory “Biodiversity: Status and trends of species in Mediterranean wetlands” Thematic report that was published in 2012, makes an assessment of the Mediterranean wetlands’s biodiversity at the beginning of the 21st Century. It also summarizes what needs to be done to safeguard their conservation in the future.

Thematic Note #2: Mediterranean wetlands: Status, trends and prospects
Derived from the Mediterranean Wetlands Observatory report that appeared in 2012, Issues and perspectives for Mediterranean wetlands, this synthetic note describes the state of Mediterranean wetlands in the early 21st century, and proposes some paths of action that will guarantee their good conservation in the future.

Thematic Note #3: Mediterranean coastal wetlands: Evolution in land use from 1975 to 2005
This thematic note is a summary of the report “Land Cover: Spatial dynamics in Mediterranean coastal wetlands from 1975 to 2005” that was published by the Mediterranean Wetlands Observatory in 2014.

Mediterranean Wetlands Monitoring situation and needs assessment
Prior to developing a regional wetlands Observatory, a preliminary step is to assess the monitoring situation, needs and expectations from countries representatives and other targeted users. This document includes questionnaires, results and analysis of the survey conducted between 2009 and 2011 among 16 Mediterranean countries.

Identity of the Mediterranean Wetlands Observatory
This document details the method, steps, monitoring and evaluation framework and governance adopted to conceive and operate the Mediterranean wetlands Observatory. This concrete example is already a reference for newly developed local and national observatories in the Mediterranean.
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