Partnerships – keys to our activities

Providing realistic responses to issues in the Mediterranean region, promoting and implementing integrated management processes, mobilising the most pertinent expertise, and funding projects. All our activities require the development of strategic relations with various organisations. Today, we conduct our activities in synergy with more than 300 partners throughout the Mediterranean Basin (research centres, NGOs, governmental or supra-governmental organisations, and foundations). Establishing these solid partnerships is indispensable for achieving our objectives, and we wish to thank all of our partners and financial backers.

Our financial partners

The Tour du Valat has created links with numerous financial partners at various levels, including the following:

International partners

  • European Union
  • CEPF- Critical Ecosystem Partnership Fund
  • AFD – French Development Agency
  • FFEM – The French Facility for Global Environment
  • FAO – Food and Agriculture Organisation

National partners in France

  • Ministry of Ecological Transition and Territory Cohesion
  • Ministry of Agriculture and Food
  • Rhone Mediterranean and Corsica Water Agency
  • OFB – French Biodiversity Agency
  • ANRT – French National Association for Research and Technology
  • CNRS – French National Research Centre
  • Civic Service Agency

Territorial partners

  • South Region Provence-Alpes-Côte d’Azur
  • Bouches-du-Rhône Departmental Council
  • Camargue Regional Nature Park
  • National Society for the Protection of Nature

Our sponsors

Founded by Luc Hoffmann in 1994, the MAVA Foundation, whose mission has been to federate strong partnerships to conserve biodiversity for future generations, will close its doors in mid-2023. Its very generous support has been crucial to the Tour du Valat’s development, which, at the end of this superb adventure, would like to express its deep gratitude to the MAVA Foundation, its advisory board, and entire team.
AccorHotels has been a partner of the Mediterranean Lagoons Transfer Unit since 2004. It helps the MLTU celebrate World Wetlands Day and supports its communication campaign that promotes events in Mediterranean lagoon territories. Its employees also participate every year in a wetlands conservation project.
A manufacturer of pasta and semolina using organic durum wheat grown in the Camargue, Alpina Savoie supports a research project on biodiversity in agricultural habitats, in particular the development of ecological monitoring processes that can be carried out by local farmers who care about the environment, and would like to enhance the biodiversity of their farms.

The CEPAC (bank) will continue to support our projects by funding an electric vehicle, and sponsoring the creation of agroforestry plots on the Petit Saint-Jean Estate, and an alternative mosquito control project that uses no insecticides.

The foundation supports useful initiatives in the field of collective solidarity, knowledge sharing, and promotes terroirs and built – or natural heritage. It chose to support the creation of a web platform dedicated to our Tour du Valat flamingo sponsorship program which enables us to raise public awareness and contributes to the preservation of biodiversity in Mediterranean wetlands.

The Fondation de France supports two multi-disciplinary research projects at the Tour du Valat. Currently, a
project applied to agricultural production systems aims to develop an agroecology showcase site on the Petit
Saint-Jean Estate in a part of the Camargue located in the Gard, and more specifically a community composting unit.

Grounded in the many common points linking the François Sommer Foundation and the Tour du Valat Foundation, a partnership has been established to develop and promote sustainable hunting practices, and engage in scientific activities that focus on wetland species.

Terre de liens and Léa Nature / Jardin BiO foundations support a project to introduce chiropterans (bats) into our organic vineyard at the Petit Saint-Jean Estate, as a crop aid to combat grape worms.

Since the Mediterranean Wetlands Observatory was set up, the Prince Albert II of Monaco Foundation has helped the Tour du Valat to assess the status and trends of wetlands in the Mediterranean Basin, in particular by developing indicators concerning their water resources and biodiversity.

A historically established company in the Camargue, Listel wishes to become increasingly involved in the preservation of this territory. As part of its global strategy to enhance the species richness of this very special nature and as part of its ethical approach, it wishes to help safeguard biodiversity in the Camargue.
The Lemarchand Foundation is extending its support to the Mediterranean Lagoons Transfer Unit Consortium for three years, to ensure the conservation of coastal wetlands by mobilising a community of stakeholders. The main objective of this partnership is to give tools to key players so they can better assess the conservation status of lagoons, raise awareness of the issues, and increase the political will to better preserve them.
We are partners in a hydraulic and ecological restoration project on an agricultural wasteland belonging to the maritime port of Marseille, intended to favour hunting and grazing activities while preserving Mediterranean biodiversity. This project is co-financed by the ERDF and the Rhone-Mediterranean and Corsica Water Agency.
LUMA Arles supports us through a project to host foreign students so we can raise their awareness of the impacts and consequences of climate change, and teach them about Nature-based Solutions. Other collaborative work is implemented within the framework of a multiactivity partnership agreement (Atelier LUMA’s pilot algae farm, organisation of events and international conferences at LUMA Arles, and hosting of artists).
Roche supports the Foundation’s healthenvironment program through the “ONE HEALTH” approach, which takes into account the close links between human health, animal health, and ecosystem health, as well as raising public awareness of wetlands and their issues.
As part of a partnership on wetlands restoration in mainland France, WWF France supports several field projects: restoration of agricultural wastelands on the Cassaïre and Petite Forêt sites in the Camargue with the Friends of the Vigueirat Marsh, restoration of degraded wetlands for and through the conservation of the Lestes macrostigma and other endangered damselflies and dragonflies, and the evaluation of intra-lagoonal hydroecological continuity within two restoration projects on for the emblematic and endangered European Eel.



YOUR CONTACT: Béatrice GUENEBEAUD, Corporate Sponsorships Officer
PHONE: + 33 (0)4 90 97 28 77 / (0)6 84 51 00 96