Theme: Wetland Dynamics and Water Management
Contact: e-mail
Joined our team: June 2023
Personal page: profil Research Gate | profil LinkedIn
Research interests and expertise
My field of research is coastal geomorphology, aiming to understand the mechanisms that govern the evolution of the Mediterranean Coast and what evolutionary trajectories are expected to shape it, particularly in the context of climate change and rising sea levels. This multi-scale work is based on an understanding of the past morphological legacies, current dynamics and short-term processes. I specialized in the interface between environments (estuaries, deltas, mangroves), focusing in the interactions operating between marine meteorological events, sediments, biotic environment, and the influence of human development. The aim of my work is to provide knowledge for successful coastal management strategies, such as the implementation of Nature-based Solutions or the renaturation of coastal areas. My expertise provides a thematic bridge within the continental interface (hydro-saline circulation, coastal habitats) and allows me to carry out multi-disciplinary projects englobing the different Tour du Valat expert teams. I am also experienced in the development of protocols and measurement surveys for coastal monitoring (photogrammetry, hydrodynamic instrumentation, modelling).
- MSc Localized information systems for regional planning, AgroParisTech (2021-2022)
- D « Morphology and morphodynamic of sandy muddy coast from Guyane, under Amazonian mud bank influence : experiments and multiscale analysis, from short term to multidecadal », University of Guyana and CNRS LEEISA (2016-2019)
- MSc SETMaster SET Natural Risk Management, Aix-Marseille University (2013-2015)
- BSc Geography, Aix-Marseille University & Université du Québec à Montréal (2010-2013)