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LIFE19 NAT/BG/000804 – Conservation of Pomorie Lake coastal lagoon

LIFE19 NAT/BG/000804 – Conservation of Pomorie Lake coastal lagoon


High density of Lestes macrostigma hunting at dusk in a nearby reedbed © P. Lambret

Pomorie Lake is part of the most important wetland complex along the Bulgarian Black Sea coast. The project targets the conservation of the priority habitat 1150* “Coastal lagoons” and some birds listed in the EU Birds Directive (Avocet, Sandwich tern, Common and Little tern). It also takes into account the conservation of the Dark Spreadwing (Lestes macrostigma), a threatened dragonfly.

Recently, water management facilities were destroyed, causing a decrease in lagoon salinity and a shift in bird species composition. The low salt production and the infrastructure damages resulted in limited opportunities for investments in maintenance activities. The unfavourable economic situation increases the risk of withdrawal of private interests and future investments from salt-production companies.

The project aims at improving status of 1150* Coastal lagoon habitat, restoring habitat quality for birds, and maintaining peripheral habitat condition to sustain a dragonfly assemblage of conservation value.

Actions and methodology



Technical partners

Financial partners