Themes: Species Conservation | Management and restoration of Natural and Agricultural ecosystems
Contact: e-mail [1] | Ph. +33 (0)4 90 97 29 80
Joined our team: December 2015
Profile: Research Gate [2]
Research interests and expertise
My research aims to improve our understanding of:
- The spatial and temporal distribution of fish species, based on macro-ecological approaches (long spatial and/or temporal series);
- Population dynamics through a long-term capture-mark-recapture monitoring programme.
My work aims to improve the conservation and management of endemic species in the Mediterranean Basin in times of global change.
I am currently focusing on two threatened species in two different study areas: the European Eel in the Camargue [3] and the Marble Trout at the head of the Soča basin [4] in Slovenia. I am particularly interested in the impact of extreme events (floods, droughts, and landslides), as well as in the arrival of introduced species, such as Wels Catfish and Topmouth Gudgeon in the Camargue, and Brown Trout and Rainbow Trout in Slovenia.
In the Camargue, from freshwater canals to salt marshes:
- 1993 – present: Long-term monthly monitoring of fish populations and fish cancer in the Fumemorte Canal (see project [5]).
- 1993 – present: Monitoring of the different phases of the European Eel [3] at La Capelière in the Vaccarès Lagoon.
- 2001 – present: Capture-mark-recapture monitoring of the European Eel in the Fumemorte Canal (see project [3]).
- 2016 – 2021: Monitoring of the hydrobiological connectivity in the ponds and marshes on the former Camargue saltworks site [6]. Monitoring of the recruitment of species coming from the sea (glass eel phase for the European Eel, migratory marine fish species such as sole, bass, and bream, and decapod crustaceans such as green crab and grey shrimp). Monitoring of the downstream migration of European Eel (see project [5]).
- 2019 – present: Telemetric monitoring by radio identification (RFID) set up in the Fumemorte basin to study the longitudinal movements of European Eels in the yellow stage between the Vaccarès Lagoon and the Fumemorte Canal, as well as the dynamics of downstream migration during the silver stage.
– 2020-2021: Meta-analysis of glass eel recruitment throughout the Camargue delta.
In Slovenia, at the head of the Soča basin:
- 1993 – present: Marble Trout project conducted in collaboration with the Tolmin fishing association in Slovenia. Monitoring the population dynamics of genetically pure marble trout, and naturalised allopatric or sympatric populations of brown trout and rainbow trout (see projec [4]t).
Scientific collaborations
- 2019 – 2020: Development of a fish indicator in lagoons adapted to the French context, INPOLAG Project (Indicateur Poisson Lagune). With Ifremer, UMR MARBEC / University of Montpellier, CEFREM / University of Perpignan.
- 2019 -2020: Use of the Three-spined stickleback to study the effects of a cocktail of pesticides produced by rice cultivation in the Camargue, under variable salinity conditions: influence of rapid selection mechanisms on the ecotoxicological response. With the UMR MARBEC / University of Montpellier, the UMR SEBIO / INERIS and the Camargue National Nature Reserve.
- 2018 – 2019: Participation in the ROSETTA project, setting up a monitoring network for the Rosette agent, a pathogen carried by the Stone moroko (Pseudorasbora parva) that can have an impact on other teleost species. With AFB, IRD, FNPF.
Postdoctoral fellow, Ph. D student and non-permanent staff supervision
- Hoste, Amélie, 2021-2024. Growth of European eel in Mediterranean lagoons: inter-habitat comparison of demography, migration dynamics and condition of future spawners. Ph. D. ED 251. Ph. D. supervisors : Jean-Christophe Poggiale, Université de Marseille CNRS M.I.O. (UMR 7294 – UM 110) professor. Co-supervisor : D. Nicolas, Tour du Valat.
- Testi, Baptiste. 02-04/2022. Analyses of temperature records from 25 sites in the upper Soca River basin in Slovenia. Research engineer (non-permanent).
- Bouchard, Colin. 2020-2021. Meta-analysis of glass eel recruitment : Synthesis and analysis of the ecological continuity
throughout the Camargue delta. Postdoctorate. Co-supervision : Olivier Boutron, Hilaire Drouineau, and Patrick Lambert of INRAE Bordeaux
Supervision of students (internship)
- Vey Payre, Hugo. 2022. Comparison of the European eel’s growth between different lagoon habitats by otolithometry. Master 2 internship, Ecology/ethology, University Jean Monnet (St Etienne). Co-supervisors : D. Nicolas, E. Amilhat & E. Faliex (CEFREM/Université de Perpignant) & C. Tétrel (OFB)
- Mollier, Esther. 2021. Characterisation of the dynamics of downstream migrations of the European Eel in a Camargue drainage canal. End of studies internship (Master 2), Institut National Supérieur des Sciences Agronomiques, de l’Alimentation et de l’Environnement de Dijon (Higher National Institute of Agricultural Science, Food and Environment). Co-supervision : D. Nicolas & C. Bouchard
- Giraud, Jules. 2020 Evaluation of the detection efficiency of an RFID telemetry device. 3-month M1 internship as part of a tutored gap year at the SupAgro Institure of Montpellier. Co-supervision : D. Nicolas & C. Bouchard
- Dupont, Luna. 2019-2020. Discovering scientific fish monitoring. 3 internships of 3 weeks in Year 12 & 13 of a vocational baccalauréat, Management of Natural Environments and Wildlife, Lycée des Calanques, Marseille
- Parent, Maude. 2019. “Assessment of the hydro-biological connectivity between the marine environment and the Vaccarès lagoon complex via the ponds and marshes on the former Camargue saltworks site.” End of studies internship (Master 2), Ecole Nationale Supérieure Agronomique de Toulouse (School of Agricultural and Life Sciences)
- Marc, François. 2019. Setting up fish monitorings. Internship BTEC Higher National Diploma, Management and Protection of Nature, 1st year, Cours Diderot, Aix-en-Provence
- Mutel, Stéphane. 2018. “Temporal variability of the trophic ecology of the Wels Catfish and European Eel in a drainage canal in the Camargue.” Master 2 internship, Polytech Tours, Urban and Territorial Planning and Environment, University of Tours. Co-supervision: D. Nicolas & C. Musseau (IGB, Berlin)
- Chericoni, Nicolas. 2017. “Comparison of two temporal monitoring campaigns on wild fish in the Vaccarès Lagoon.” Master 2 internship, Statistics for Life and Healthcare Sciences
- Chevallier, Adrien. 2016. “Transfer of ichthyofauna from the Rhone to the Camargue through irrigation pumping.” End of studies internship, Polytech Montpellier
Supervision of volunteers (civic services and European voluntary services)
Technical support for several fisheries monitoring operations. Maintenance and repair of equipment. Identification of fish and carcinological species. Biometry and data entry. Writing of illustrated mission reports. Production of communication tools for the general public. Realization of personal projects.
- 2022-2023 : Lefebvre, Chloé & Metayer-Rouchaleou, Margot
- 2021-2022 : Verbrugghe, Klervi
- 2020-2021 : Crassard, Tom
- 2020 : Boulongne, Patrice
- 2018 : Milesi, Dorian
- 2017 : Ferjančič, Kim
- 2016-2017 : Leborne, Florian
- 2006-2010: PhD in Estuary Ecology, Irstea Bordeaux / University of Bordeaux 1
- 2004-2006: MSc in Oceanography with a concentration in Marine Biology and Ecology, Oceanology Centre, University of the Mediterranean, Aix-Marseille University II
- 2003-2004: BSc Biology of Living Organisms, ERASMUS programme, University of St Andrews
- 2001-2003: two-year degree in Life Sciences, University of Nice Sophia-Antipolis
Find below the most recent publications of Delphine Nicolas, or see the full list [7] on the Tour du Valat’s documentary web portal:
- Investigating the quality of European silver eels by quantifying contaminants and parasite infestation in a French Mediterranean lagoon complex [8]de Amélie Hoste, Raphaël Lagarde, Elsa Amilhat, Colin Bouchard, Paco Bustamante, Adrian Covaci, Elisabeth Faliex, Emmanuelle Migne, Giulia Poma, Claire Tetrel, et al. In Environmental Science and Pollution Research, (en ligne) (January, 2025) En ligne :[...] [9] Coastal lagoons are diverse habitats with significant ecological gradients, which provide ... read more [8]
- Life-history traits of the invasive and biggest European freshwater fish, the wels catfish (Silurus glanis) show high potential for colonisation in Southern Europe [10]de Jacques Panfili, Delphine Nicolas, Khady Diop, Alain J. Crivelli In Marine and Freshwater Research, 75(18) (December, 2024) En ligne :[...] [11] The invasive wels catfish is spreading to many European waterbodies and is the subject of controversy concerning its environmental impact.The objective was to investigate its life-history ... read more [10]
- Ease and Limitations in Using Environmental DNA to Track the Spread of Invasive Host–Parasite Complexes: A Case Study of the Freshwater Fish Pseudorasbora parva and the Cryptic Fungal Parasite Sphaerothecum destruens [12]de Théo Deremarque, Rodolphe Elie Gozlan, Ravo Ravaozafindrasoa, Giuliano Mucci, Lucie Delalex, Jean-Michel Foissy, Michael Cagnant, Mathieu Clair, Justina Givens, Fabienne Justy, et al. In Fishes, 9(12) (December, 2024), 477 En ligne :[...] [13] The spread of non-native species threatens biodiversity and exacerbates societal challenges like food security. ... read more [12]
- European eel (Anguilla anguilla) survival modeling based on a 22-year capture-mark-recapture survey of a Mediterranean subpopulation [14]de Amélie Hoste, Colin Bouchard, Jean-Christophe Poggiale, Delphine Nicolas In Journal of Fish Biology, Online version (October, 2024) En ligne :[...] [15] Since the 1980s, the European eel (Anguilla anguilla) has declined by over 90% in recruitment across its European and North African distribution area. This diadromous fish ... read more [14]
- Estimating migration speed of glass eels during their colonization of a Mediterranean lagoon [16]de Colin Bouchard, Delphine Nicolas In Journal of Fish Biology, 103(5) (November, 2023), 9 En ligne :[...] [17] Migration speed can have important evolutionary consequences as it can affect the timing of arrival, remaining energy reserves, and habitat choice. Environmental conditions and individual phenotypic traits can impact the ... read more [16]
- Patterns of genetic variation in native and non-native populations of European catfish Silurus glanis across Europe [18]de Paul Castagné, Ivan Paz-Vinas, Stéphanie Boulêtreau, Jessica Ferriol, Geraldine Loot, Charlotte Veyssière, Robert Arlinghaus, Robert Britton, Marlène Chiarello, Emili Garcia-Berthou, et al. In Biodiversity and conservation, Online April (April, 2023) En ligne :[...] [19] Biological invasions are a major component of global change worldwide. But paradoxically, an ... read more [18]
- Spatio-temporal variations in glass eel recruitment at the entrance pathways of a Mediterranean delta [20]de Colin Bouchard, Hilaire Drouineau, Patrick Lambert, Olivier Boutron, Delphine Nicolas In ICES Journal of Marine Science, 79(6) (August, 2022), 1874-1887 En ligne :[...] [21] Understanding spatio-temporal dynamics of glass eel recruitment is necessary to characterize eel population status and the stock of future elvers. Despite numerous studies ... read more [20]
- Impacts of environmental conditions and management of sluice gates on glass eel migration [22]de Colin Bouchard, Olivier Boutron, Jordane Labremon, Hilaire Drouineau, Patrick Lambert, Delphine Nicolas In Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science, Online (November, 2022), 108139 En ligne :[...] [23] Anthropogenic barriers such as tidal gates impair animal migration and ecological continuity. For migratory fishes, barriers may alter or impeach both ... read more [22]
- Cancer Susceptibility as a Cost of Reproduction and Contributor to Life History Evolution [24]de Antoine M. Dujon, Justine Boutry, Sophie Tissot, Jean-François Lemaître, Amy M. Boddy, Anne-Lise Gérard, Alexandra Alvergne, Audrey Arnal, Orsolya Vincze, Delphine Nicolas, et al. In Frontiers in Ecology and Evolution, Online (May, 2022), 18 En ligne :[...] [25] Reproduction is one of the most energetically demanding life-history ... read more [24]
- Temporal trends and determinants of fish biomass in two contrasting natural lake systems: insights from a spring long-term monitoring scheme [26]de Anastasios Bounas, Giorgos Catsadorakis, Irene Koutseri, Harris Nikolaou, Delphine Nicolas, Myrsini Malakou, Alain Jean Crivelli In Knowledge and Management of Aquatic Ecosystems, 422 (2021), 28 En ligne :[...] [27] Freshwater fish declines are triggered by a suite of anthropogenic threats, including habitat degradation, climate and land use ... read more [26]