- Tour du Valat - https://tourduvalat.org/en/ -

Mediterranean Waterbird Network (MWN)

Mediterranean Waterbird network(MWN)


This aim of this project is to improve the quality and quantity of data from the international waterbird censuses (IWCs) that take place every year throughout the Mediterranean region. The results of this monitoring are directly used in the application of international initiatives (the Ramsar [1] Convention and/or the African-Eurasian Waterbird Agreement (AEWA) [2]). It also contributes to improving our knowledge and management of wetlands, in collaboration with different local and international partners.

Actions and methodology

This network emerged through cooperation between national IWC coordinators in North Africa (Morocco, Algeria, Tunisia, Libya, and Egypt) and France (Tour du Valat and the French Office for Biodiversity, ex-National Office for Hunting and Wildlife) in the context of the AEWA Plan of Action for Africa [3].

The network initially worked on improving the quality and quantity of count data by providing economic, logistical and technical assistance in the five North African countries. Since 2017, it has opened up to a more open and regular collaboration with other Mediterranean countries and other international projects (the Mediterranean Wetlands Observatory and the Mediterranean Wetlands Alliance). The network proposes:


Two major results have been made possible via the MWN:



Technical partners

Financial partners

Publications & Resources