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News 4 – “Birdwatching in the Camargue”, a must for bird lovers

This guidebook is intended for the general public as well as the experienced ornithologist. It provides the keys for discovering birds in the Camargue – one of the best ornithological sites in Europe – in every season.

The Camargue is one of the biggest migratory flyways in Europe, regularly hosting nearly 300 bird species that come there to breed, winter, or stop over.

Michel Gauthier-Clerc and Yves Kayser are professional ornithologists at the Tour du Valat. Both are passionate about birds, and their desire is to share their extensive knowledge and experience of the species and sites found in the Rhone Delta, but also to make this guide easy to understand for everyone.


This work presents the key species and sites to discover, and it offers practical advice for making discoveries in the field at the best times of the year.

It features several interrelated parts, including:

Whether you are an experienced ornithologist or simply a nature lover, this guide is an indispensable tool for making new discoveries!


Title: Birdwatching in the Camargue,
160 pages – Retail price: 14€
Expected date of publication: March, 2012
Authors: Michel Gauthier-Clerc and Yves Kayser
Publisher: Delachaux et niestlé
ISBN: 978-2-603-01810-1