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News 2 – Success of the first workshop on International Waterbirds Census (IWC) in North Africa

NGOs, Universities and Institutions from the five North African countries (Algeria, Egypt, Libya, Morocco and Tunisia), the Tour du Valat, ONCFS and Wetlands International met in Tunis on 8 and 9 October for the first workshop on IWC in North Africa.
Discussions have contributed to a better understanding of the current situation of IWC in each country, and also led to the development of a common regional project: use of a regional platform to exchange information (medwaterbirds.net), joint analysis of the results of counting of wintering waterbirds in January 2013, support to the reinforcement of national networks of observers, and national coordination of monitoring (database, training, etc.). This workshop was organized within the framework of the support programme on IWC and wetlands conservation in the Mediterranean, carried out by the Tour du Valat, ONCFS and Wetlands International, with the support of the MEDDE and the MAVA Foundation.
Contact :
Anne-Laure Brochet,International Waterbird Census Project Leader – Mediterranean Region – [email protected] [1]