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News 2 – Publication of a book: The mammals of the Camargue

This is the first book to set out a detailed summary of all the available knowledge about the mammals of the Camargue. It is a valuable source of information, for naturalists and hunters as well as for scientists, members of institutions and associations, and all those who love the Camargue. The Tour du Valat was delighted to get involved in such a project.

A thorough investigation of mammal’s history and their changing status

In monograph form, this atlas of mammals describes the history and changes in status of 43 species found in the Camargue today, including their biology, past and present status, and the measures to be taken for their conservation, complemented with new distribution maps, and watercolour illustrations specially produced for this book.

In addition to this catalogue, the authors have carried out a truly exhaustive survey using existing documents, unpublished reports, university dissertations, original studies, and personal accounts, in order to gain a better understanding of the magnitude of the changes recorded over time. They then establish that these changes in the mammal community – diversity of species, components of the fauna and their abundance – are closely linked with our ways of life and with the development of our society – particularly so in the Camargue, which has been profoundly transformed over the past 150 years (canalisation, intensive agriculture, livestock-rearing, etc.).

In addition, this study shows that the relatively isolated nature of the Camargue, the severity of the natural conditions, and the protection measures from which it benefits, have very probably enabled the survival of certain species on the Mediterranean coast, such as the Beaver for example, which would most likely have disappeared from France were it not for the Camargue.

Finally, this book confirms that the Camargue remains a special place for biodiversity conservation, since today it supports almost half of all the species of mammals in France; this is justification for all the efforts made to protect it.


Featuring 51 watercolour illustrations and 49 coloured maps.
232 pages, format 20 x 27 cm, soft cover with flaps.
Price: 26 euros (+ postage & packaging)
Available at libraries in Arles and surrounding area, or contact: Frédéric Larrey at Editions Regard du Vivant – Tel: 0033 (0)4 91 24 73 30 / 0033 (0)6 09 41 39 24 –  [email protected] [1]