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Initiative 1 – Med-INA, towards an integrated approach to nature and culture

Med-INA, the Mediterranean Institute for Anthropos (Mankind) and Nature, is a non-profit organisation, legally established in Athens, Greece, in September 2003 by a multidisciplinary group of scientists and conservationists led by Thymio Papayannis.

Its mission is to contribute to a harmonious relationship between Anthropos (Mankind) and Nature, by working on the interface between the two, particularly in the Mediterranean Region, through research, action and public awareness. To achieve its mission, Med-INA’ s work focuses on developing an integrated approach to the management and conservation of the natural and cultural heritage, on promoting the comprehension and application of sustainability, especially in the use of natural resources and on encouraging a better understanding of the inextricable relationship between cultural and natural values.

More specifically, the priority areas of Med-INA on which it has been working since the very beginning include:

Some of the work of Med-INA has been supported by the MAVA Foundation.