Communication Consultant for the Mediterranean Alliance for Wetlands’ communication campaign
[1]The Mediterranean Alliance for Wetlands (MAW)

The MAW [2] is a consortium of Mediterranean associations and scientific research organizations (30 members from 15 countries) which aims to protect and restore wetlands for nature and people’s benefit and to promote sustainable practices, based on innovation and evidence ( [1]).
The MAW works in the Mediterranean, which is home to the second largest biodiversity hotspot in the world (more than two million square kilometers). This hotspot is especially important due to the high number of endemic species (a third of the plants in the globe). It is, however, also facing climate change and water scarcity challenges.
Wetlands provide a multitude of services of great social, economic and environmental value to humankind. They are one of the most productive ecosystems in the world in terms of biodiversity (home to one-third of all global species) and their protective role in adapting to and mitigating the effects of climate change such as droughts, floods and water scarcity is huge.
In 2021, new partners from the MAVA foundation [3] programmes collaboratively joined the Mediterranean Alliance for Wetlands, to work together after 2022—the last year of functioning for the MAVA foundation before it closes. The partners come from two partnerships: M1/M2 [4], dedicated to freshwater issues and M3 [5], dedicated to coastal wetlands protection and restoration. They provide on-ground solutions and wish to keep collaborating under the umbrella framework of the Alliance.
There is therefore a need to restructure the MAW and its communication resources to provide an attractive framework to all members.
The MAW recognises the key role that civil society can play in protecting wetlands, and the need to encourage it.
The mission of the MAW is to raise collectively the profile of wetlands in the Mediterranean society at large and in particular in national, regional and international policy through the promotion of their sustainable use, based on innovation and evidence-based best practices as catalyst for change
To achieve its mission and ensure its overall impact and effectiveness, the Alliance aims to focus on:
- Networking: Exchange and share in a multidirectional manner between the members of the Alliance the available knowledge, resources, experiences, practices, information on model sites, etc.
- Capacity building: Build the capacity of the wider civil society so that they can become more effective in actions related to wetland management and conservation.
- Policy and advocacy: Effectively link local, national, regional and international actors or initiatives through innovative concrete joint actions on prioritized policy and strategic topics.
- Communications: Increase the public profile of wetlands through joint communication using scientific knowledge and concerted messages around the value of wetlands, their multiple advantages and benefits they provide to people and the potential solutions they hold in the face of global change, including climate change.
Consultancy opportunity
40 days over 5 months (from March 2022 until July 2022)
The Communication Consultant will design strategic communication solutions for the Mediterranean Alliance for Wetlands. He/she will also support the Alliance in developing a communication plan to foster donor relationships and to showcase the impact of our projects and the network in the Mediterranean Basin.
- A restructured MAW website (modification of structure and content of an existing website) to integrate the M1/M2 and M3 partnerships and the capacity building programme. This website should advertise the projects aiming to conserve and restore rivers and wetlands, and promote the work of the members of the Alliance.
- A social media plan to support the communications outreach.
- Social media templates to be used by Alliance members.
- A promotional video that highlights the shared values and objectives of the Alliance (its mission, vision and goals) (5 min). Images provided by the network.
- Three infographics focusing on thematic areas of the Alliance (particularly wetlands restoration and rivers reconnection), highlighting the work of the members. This implies a consultation process with the members.
We are looking for a consultant with the following expertise and track record:
- Relevant degree in communications, marketing, international development or environmental science.
- Minimum 5 years of experience in communications in social media and digital marketing, including a track record in content development.
- Working knowledge on how NGOs work, especially those with a network organization structure.
- Organizational design and strategy relevant to the non-profit sector.
- Experience in coordinating service providers.
- Fluent English speaker with excellent writing skills. Knowledge of other Mediterranean language/s will be an asset.
- Ability to work with deadlines, taking a creative and flexible approach to challenges.
Working Relations
The consultant will be under the supervision of / report to the coordinators of the Freshwater Partnership (M1/M2) Teresa Zuna / Wetlands International, and Coastal Wetlands Partnership (M3), Lorena Segura / Tour du Valat.
Evaluation of the proposals
The maximum budget for the proposal is 35,000.00 euros including deliverables.
The best technical proposal is given the maximum technical score (TS) of 70.
The lowest financial proposal (Fm) is given the maximum financial score (FS) of 30.
The formula for determining the financial scores (FS) of all other Proposals is calculated as follows:
FS = 30 x LP/ P, in which “FS” is the financial score, “LP” is the lowest price, and “P” the price of the proposal under consideration.
Proposals are ranked according to their added technical (TS) and financial (FS) scores.
Submission of proposals
Candidates (teams or individuals) should send technical & financial proposals (in EURO), including the following documents:
- Detailed Curriculum Vitae of Expert(s) involved including examples of similar work done before
- Proposal for implementing the assignment including detailed costing by deliverable
Tenders must be submitted in electronic form to the following email addresses: [email protected] [6] and [email protected] [7] with the subject, “Mediterranean Alliance for Wetlands’ Communication Campaign”.
Your proposal must be received no later than 17:00 (CET) on March 23. Proposals arriving after the stipulated date and time will not be considered. Successful bidders will be informed by e-mail as soon as possible after the submission date.