- Tour du Valat - https://tourduvalat.org/en/ -

Upcoming events

28 March 2013, Paris

8th Forum des gestionnaires d’espaces naturels (Natural Area Managers’ Forum) – “Monitoring: how does it contribute to the management and assessment of biodiversity?”
Registration [1]


22 and 23 March 2013, Lyon, France

Rhône-Alpes Nature Protection Federation (FRAPNA) Congress – “Predation: knowledge in order to live together”
See website [2]
12 and 13 March 2013, Tours, France

Water, Natural Areas, Species Meetings hosted by the Loire–Brittany Water Agency and the Atelier technique des espaces naturels (ATEN)
Agenda des espaces naturels [3]
16 to 20 April, Chaussy (Val-d’Oise, France)
Réserves naturelles de France (French natural reserves) Congress
Agenda des espaces naturels [3]