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Initiative 3 – Welcome to “Espèces”: a new natural history journal!

‘Species’ is a unique journal focusing on biodiversity, which aims to provide high-quality scientific articles that are accessible to the general public.
Papers will be published on the environment, animal and plant life, and the planet Earth. The priority of the editorial team, which is comprised of journalists from the scientific and daily press, is to approach humans and nature from the same angle, as two key elements in the same system. The editorial line will focus on topics that are based on scientific texts, while adopting a lighter tone for some columns like current events.


“Educate without boring, popularise without distorting the truth”, the goal of Species is to promote researchers’ work by disseminating it to people who do not generally read their articles. It has adopted an educational mission that is turned toward the ‘general public’.
The second issue was published in December.

To submit your articles or obtain more information, go to: www.especes.org [1]