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Initiative 3 : Progress in the International Waterbird Census (IWC) support programme in North Africa

Since 2012 in the Mediterranean Region, a support Programme has contributed to improving the spatial coverage and quality of IWCs, and more generally all waterbird monitoring operations, by supporting the field monitoring, creating synergies between existing programmes, strengthening national networks of observers, and completing wetland inventories.

In the framework of this programme, a first workshop on IWCs in North Africa took place in October 2012 in Tunis (Tunisia).  It was coordinated by the Les Amis des oiseaux (Friends of Birds) Association with support from the Tour du Valat and the ONCFS (French National Hunting and Wildlife Agency). The aim of this workshop was to assess the IWCs and draw up a common plan of action for North Africa. The process initiated at this workshop resulted in the creation of the Mediterranean Waterbirds network.

This process has been continued with two regional meetings organised in 2013. The national North African IWC coordinators first met in April 2013 at the Tour du Valat in the Camargue, in order to work on a joint analysis of the 2013 IWC results so as to put together a scientific publication. They also talked about the tools available for developing national databases. A second regional workshop on IWCs in North Africa was organised in June 2013 in El Kala (Algeria). It was coordinated by the Algerian Directorate General of Forests and the El Kala National Park, with support from the Tour du Valat and the ONCFS. 

The first part of this workshop was devoted to the training of the observers and trainers in national networks, with the presentation of various educational tools. The second part focused on the AEWA plan of Action for Africa [1]. One objective of this workshop was to facilitate the exchanges between the IWC national coordinators and AEWA national focal points responsible for the conservation of waterbirds and wetlands, so as to improve their study and conservation in North Africa. For more information, reports on these two North African workshops can be found on the Mediterranean [2] Waterbirds network website.

These regional meetings were very positive, and led to the identification and definition of new common objectives. They also enabled the positive trend launched in 2012 for the monitoring of waterbirds and the conservation of wetlands in the Mediterranean basin to be maintained.

Contact : Anne-Laure Brochet, Project leader « Monitoring of MedWaterbirds» – [email protected] [3]

Links :
MedWaterbirds network :
http://medwaterbirds.net/page.php?id=35 [2]
TdV Bird monitoring support in Africa and in the Mediterranean:
https://tourduvalat.org/notre_programme/conservation_des_especes_et_changements_globaux/appui_aux_suivis_des_oiseaux_d_eau_en_afrique_et_en_mediterranee [4]
Wetlands Interntional Programm for waterbirds census :
http://www.wetlands.org/AfricanEurasianWaterbirdCensus/tabid/2788/Default.aspx [5]
AEWA Action Plan for Africa :
http://www.unep-aewa.org/activities/africaninitiative/publication/index.htm [1]