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Open call for the next two Green Light projects – Mediterranean Alliance for Wetlands

The Mediterranean Alliance for Wetlands (MAW) is launching the call for the next two Green Light projects.

The projects will take place between 2024 and 2025 in the following countries:  Morocco, Algeria, Libya, Lebanon, North Macedonia, Serbia, Montenegro and Albania.

 The Green Light is a new Alliance protocol designed to support NGOs in the Mediterranean who are ready to start new wetland restoration projects but need support to construct a concept note and obtain funding. For each selected project, the MAW will facilitate the development of a light concept note, a landscape architect’s vision (desired future of the site), communication materials, and relationships with foundations within a period of 6 months. 

📅 Deadline: Submit the completed MAW Green Light application form by October 30, 2024.

 ✉️ Informations and application form : https://www.medallianceforwetlands.org/wp-content/uploads/2020/07/MAW-Green-Light-application-form.pdf [1]