- Tour du Valat - https://tourduvalat.org/en/ -

RESCOM – Strengthening the resilience of ecosystems in the Mediterranean

The RESCOM project aims to promote the conservation, restoration and sustainable management of vulnerable natural areas in the Mediterranean through the implementation of Nature-based Solutions (NbS), for the benefit of local populations. This is the first initiative of the Mediterranean Biodiversity Consortium (MBC), a coalition of regional environmental organisations created in 2021 with the aim of acting in a more coordinated and complementary way on the scale of coastal territories in which we find several of the most fragile ecosystems, too often treated in “silos” (sea, coasts, forests, small islands and wetlands).

Project objectives

The project has three specific objectives:



Identification of ecotourism activities to enhance the natural and cultural heritage of Khenifiss National Park in Morocco, in collaboration with local stakeholders. © Marion Douchin - Tour du Valat

Actions & methodology

As a pilot project, RESCOM aims to test the implementation of this new collaborative, integrated and multi-biome approach, capitalising on the know-how, expertise and learning of each of the members of the MBC in the Mediterranean. It combines regional capacity-building activities, exchanges of experience and advocacy on NbS, with concrete ecological restoration measures deployed in six pilot areas located in Albania, Morocco, Montenegro, Tunisia, Turkey and Italy, and developed in close collaboration with natural site managers and other national and local partners.


Project lead: Tour du Valat on behalf of the MBC: coordination by Marion Douchin and Salima Slimani

Members involved: MedWet, PIM (Mediterranean Small Islands Initiative), IAMF (International Association of Mediterranean Forests), Tour du Valat and IUCN-Med, founding members of the Mediterranean Biodiversity Consortium, in partnership with the French Conservatoire du Littoral.

Teams involved: Ecosystem Management and Restoration, Science-Society Interfaces, Health Ecology

Project date : 2023-2026


Technical partners:

MedPAN and WWF France (from the MBC) and national institutional partners from the pilot sites:


Financial partners:

French Global Environment Facility (FFEM) and MAVA Foundation

(total contributions of €2.5 million)