- Tour du Valat - https://tourduvalat.org -

Webinaire 18 mars – Climate Adaptation in Natura 2000 sites

Lundi 18 mars 2024 de 15h à 16h30, Eurosite, en collaboration avec l’Université de Turku (Finlande) & la Tour du Valat, propose un webinaire [1] intitulé :

Climate Adaptation in Natura 2000 sites : how can we include climate adaptation in Natura 2000 management strategies? 


We invite all Natura 2000 site managers to join this webinar on adaptation to climate change. During this webinar, we will discuss how Natura 2000 management strategies can be adapted to best deal with the effects of a changing climate and safeguard Biodiversity.  As part of our ongoing Biodiversa+ SPEAR project, we have set out, together with our partners, to assess how useful and effective current management strategies have been in light of a changing climate. This session counts with the presence of our partners from the University of Turku in Finland who will discuss their research on climate adaptation and will include a questionnaire on management of Natura 2000 sites. We would especially like to encourage Natura 2000 site managers to share their experiences during the session!

Intervenants :


Pour participer à ce webinaire, veuillez vous inscrire ici : https://us06web.zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_JXS8vu-rTYmgvOsEY7tPxA#/registration [2] 

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