- Tour du Valat - https://tourduvalat.org -

Séminaire/Webinaire mercredi 25/01/2023 – Grazing with large herbivores in nature conservation

Mercredi 25 janvier 2023 à 11h, Chris Smit [1] présentera en salle Jean-Paul Taris un séminaire/webinaire [2] en anglais intitulé:

Grazing with large herbivores in nature conservation


Plaine de pâturage dans l’Oostvaardersplssen. ©C. Smit

Grazing with large herbivores is increasingly applied in conservation, not in the least because of the popularity of rewilding. In this talk, I will present results of some long-term (exclosure) experiments on the effects of large herbivores on the diversity and composition of natural communities in various (Dutch) ecosystems. In addition, I will present some recent findings of studies on the responses of wild ungulates (deer and wild boar) to the recent return of wolves in the Netherlands, and their cascading effects onto other trophic levels.




Pour participer à ce séminaire à distance : https://us06web.zoom.us/j/81618452614 [2]

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