Le lundi 28 février 2022 à 11h, Frans Schepers et Fabien Quétier, de Rewilding Europe [1], Nijmege, Pays-Bas, présenteront en salle Jean-Paul Taris un séminaire/webinaire [2] en anglais intitulé » Rewilding Europe for nature, climate and people « .

Europe presents a huge opportunity for large-scale nature recovery using a rewilding approach which aims to restore degraded ecosystems by creating room for nature to manage itself. Since its creation in 2011, Rewilding Europe has established itself as a pioneering pan-European conservation and restoration initiative that is successfully demonstrating the benefits of wilder nature through the application of rewilding principles, models and tools, and inspiring and enabling others to engage in rewilding by providing practical tools and expertise.
Our vision is that wild nature is valued and treated as an essential element of a prosperous and healthy society, with far more space provided for wildlife and natural processes. To achieve this, we showcase rewilding in action in a growing and diverse selection of (9, soon 10) landscapes from across Europe, including the Danube (Romania – Ukraine) and Oder deltas (Germany – Poland), and we bring together rewilding initiatives in a growing European Rewilding Network (77 members from 27 countries to date). We will discuss the importance of restoring natural process, wildlife comeback, and natural grazing for rewilding.
Rewilding Europe also has a unique focus among conservation NGOs in providing concrete social and economic benefits (jobs, income, pride) to people living in and around our areas of work. We do this by providing technical support and financing solutions (Rewilding Europe Capital) for innovative business models and enterprise development in rewilding areas. This includes developing nature-based tourism (Rewilding Europe Travel) and piloting the role of rewilding in carbon drawdown (particularly in wetland systems).
Pour participer à ce séminaire à distance : https://zoom.us/j/93643652416 [2]