Lundi 18 mars 2024 à 11h00, Florin Zăinescu, Post-doctorant bourse CNES (Centre National d’Etudes Spatiales), présentera en salle Jean-Paul Taris un séminaire / webinaire [1] intitulé :
Where the River Meets the Sea: A Parallel Study of Delta Evolution and Vulnerability in the Danube and the Rhone

Two iconic European deltas, the Danube and Rhone, serve as natural laboratories for understanding delta formation, ecosystem divergence, and their vulnerability to sea level rise. This presentation will compare these two wave-dominated deltas at multiple scales, getting insights from the similarities and differences, while addressing some key questions: How does the balance between river floods and coastal storms shape delta morphology? What does barrier spit breaching in the Danube Delta reveal about deltaic coastal change that is undergoing at the Beauduc site? Why do these deltas support vastly different ecosystems despite similar precipitation-evaporation balances? Finally, using new LiDAR data we’ll explore how the elevation of these two deltas compares to a global selection and asses their vulnerability in the context of rising sea levels.
Note : La présentation sera en anglais.